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June 29-July 4; July 6-9, 2017
Log Sheet# 6

Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio/Video Log Sheet
Logger/Videographer: Anthony Avery
Recorder Number (Main): CFCH 5
File Name: Cirstr.0063.wav
Recorder Number (Backup): CFCH 6
File Name: Cirstr.0065.wav
Presenter: Mandy
Date/Time: 7/1/17 2:45 pm
Program: Circus Arts
Stage: Circus Stories
Group Name: |...|
Session Title: The Audacity of Circus: Finding Hope + Trust
[[2 Columned Table]]
|Mandy Keithen| |IDC|
|Montana DeBor| |IDC|
|Gwen| |aerialist| |IDC|
|Chorollete| |Social Science Researcher| |bc|
|D [[strikethrough]] Naimoi| |Hostpital Clowning [[strikethough]] s| |IDC|
|Borders [[underlined]]|
Contents/Notes (continue on back):
1. Trust + hope both in instructor + [[strikethrough]] /+ [[strikethrough]] partner + audience
2. Know + [[?]] limits;
3. clowns w/o border trust issues:
4. => "What if" issues/questions.
5. clowning is about being authentic self.
6. Panelists related personal stories re: hope & trust. 
7. Q. Do work w/ terminal ill patients?
Yes, provide a [[?]] space
How to make connection w/u [[?]] common language?
Trust + clarity in physical, shared language Bodies and laughter are universal.
 [[?]] [[?]] circus; come in at low status rather than superior

Transcription Notes:
6th line of table is unclear