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June 29-July 4; July 6-9, 2017
Log Sheet# 9


Logger/Videographer: David Dishneau
Recorder Number (Main): CFCH9
File Name: clown1-0048.wav
Recorder Number (Backup): CFCH16
File Name: clown2-0357.wav

Presenter: Kimberly Hawkins
Date/Time: 7/2/17 430 pm
Program: Circus Arts
Stage: Clown Alley
Group Name: [[blank]]
Session Title: Participatory Activity

Participants | Instrument/Occupation
Kimberly Hawkins | clown
Jeff Raz | [[blank]]

Contents/Notes (continue on back):
1. Kimberly Hawkins takes qustions about clowning
2. Demonstrates props- a submarine sandwich
3. a shell phone. [[strikethrough]] Her character is "El Capitano" [[/strikethrough]]
4. Discusses clown culture- newbies are called Joeys.
5. as a tribute to Joseph Grimaldi, a famous clown.
6. She says she became a professional clown with Ringling Bros.
7. at age 18.
8. She started as captain clown. Now she is "The Admiral."
9. Hawkins shows some of her clown noses, including one that attaches with surgical adhesive.