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Very expensive to create full time circus schools, no subsidys for school, strictly on tuition. Teacher to student ratio, needs more one on one attention, vs ballett, or soccer
Circus school is subsidized in Russia, France & Canada. SF Aerial school [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] run by Elana, 2-3 years, 5 hours a day, 5 days a week
$7000 a year, they didn't make any money
Circus is a passion project. Students had to work to pay. school was open 7 years, only had 15 students. Japan, finland, canada. Came w scholarships
Circus school w immigrants; mainly got along. Shared a room w Vietnamese girl, food is different. Had bulgarians, czechs. It was good to appreciate different foods & culture. In circus he live w people of different culture, like American clowns. Xmas dinner & thanksgiving dinner. Lived for 9 monts in a traveling city. He wrote a history of the circus, translated into Russian. His wife learning history of the circus. Met at Parish Festival. She got gold, at International Festival of Circus of tomorrow
Elana Panova [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] met Dominqe and she thought he was an older gentleman. Moved to Big Apple circus