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How do these programs help?
Anecdotal Stories
1 Young woman went from being forced to attend circus classes/program to someone currently performing on the high [[strikethrough]] wigr [[/strikethrough]] wire.
2 Repeat'- there is a spot in the circus for all - LGBT, native Americans, people in their 50's & 60's offers a brave space (as opposed to a safe space) to take Risks.
3 One woman found hanging from a trapeze was her safe space. As she learned the ariel arts, her confidence increased, her body language became positive.
Social [[strikethrough]] sep [[/strikethrough]] Circus
[[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] includes all the occupations in the circus - cooks, seamstress(ess), PR people. Goal may or may not be to create a show. The entreprenurial (sp.? no spell check :() spirit of the circus encourages a variety of [[strikethrough]] emotions [[/strikethrough]] jobs & experiences - [[strikethrough]] some [[/strikethrough]] always a surprise
Clowns w/o Borders & Clown Care Unit
→ travel to war-torn countries to give people a Respite
→ powerful work w/ terminally ill children
Discussion of Importance of Music in every circus and particularly the social [[strikethrough]] sensice [[/strikethrough]] circuses. Music is often the inspiration for participants to improve or take new chances