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June 29-July 1;July 6-9, 2017   Log Sheet #2
Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio/Visual Log Sheet
Logger/Videographer: Linn Bunch
Recorder Number (Main): CFCH 3   File Name: Rinzler 0412 + 0413.wav
Recorder Number (Backup): CFCH 12   File Name: Rinzler 0243.wav
Presenter: Timothy Mack (from Altlanta   Date/Time: June 29, 2017 12:59
Program: Circus Arts   Stage: Rinzler
Group Name: Circus Bella - San Francisco
Session Title: Circus - {Circus Bella All * Band}
[[2 Column Table]]
| Participants | Instrument/Occupation |
| Ukelele/Violin | Dina Maccabee |
| Accordian-Tamborine | Rob Reich |
| Drums/Percussion | Michael Pinkham |
| Trumpet/Trombone | Greg [[strikethrough]]Stevens[[/strikethrough]] Stephens |
| Tuba | Zach Spellman |

Note: Live Music for every act -

Contents/Notes (continue on back):
1. Introductory Remarks
2. Circus Bella All Star Band - CDS for sale @ the market place
3. [[image]]music note[[/image]] Walking San Francisco Bay [[image]]music note[[/image]]
4. [[image]]music note[[/image]] Everyone looks like a star [[image]]music note[[/image]]
[[strikethrough]]6.[[/strikethrough]] Acts with props -
[[strikethrough]]7.[[/strikethrough]] 1 Pole 2 Gymnast 3 Hoop 4 Table 5 Foot Juggling Family [[image]]smiley face[[/image]]
[[strikethrough]]8.[[/strikethrough]] 6 Trapeze Artist 7 Juggle