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One meatball is usually a good size
Seeing, however, Armenians always make extra food for drop-in guests or to send to family members.
Meatballs can also be made larger in a size 
such that 4 meatballs will feed ten.
The most important quality is they be
round, well-shaped & hold together.
Women earn reputations as skilled cooks for
this dish. Every woman has a reputation based on their skills @ preparing meatballs. - (Are they 
round, smooth, do they slice nicely, are they 
well prepared (no red) & did she make enough for guests + extras.
Winter during the dry season. They make enough to share with neighbors & family
(Pasta is made traditionally with water, flour & salt. It is rinsed in cold water after cooking.)
Armenian cooks/families are expected to have dried meats, pastas, vegetables & herbs from garden, all kinds of cheeses, breads, compotes, etc. on hand for drop in guests.
Sometimes there is more butter than pasta, because in Armenia the more 'butter, the better the dish.' Sometimes cooks add raw eggs along with the butter. They also reuse the pasta water to make a simple soup with rice & herbs.
Served on a plate with meat on one side and pasta on the other side.