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What are the pressures of keeping your lang vs. shifting to dominant language when you move to a new country?
Alejandro If you don't know Eng, you're treated like trash. You have a pressure to learn to defend yourself and situate yourself in the culture. (against humiliation)
Mercedes Pressure to change to Spanish and English. Learning Spanish is a matter of survival, even though the Indigenous were here before Spanish. But the pressure to learn [[strikethrough]]and[[/strikethrough]] a 2nd + 3rd language for survival and fight against discrimination. It's important to recognize the context that brought us here in the 1st place. Must also deal with displacement trauma from home. We're known for being hard-workers and adaptable. Not a result of just local politics but why we had to leave in the 1st place. 
Levon Sister and he refused to change their names even though they didn't speak Armenian. In college he met a professor Nina Garsoyen Columbia University invited him to study their language + history. Afraid of a growing trend in US that if you don't have an American name you're not truly American. ("Are you Pocahontas?" anecdote)
Armenian Lady Is inspired by ancestors pain @ not being allowed to speak Armenian. She wants to keep it in herself. Taught to next generation Armenians local langs. Arabic was lang used in common (living in Aleppo, Syria) but Armenian schools existed. To preserve lang, used Armenian names for kids like hers. Shroei Shine Uses Arenian now in Yerevan losing some Arabic
= Sun
Lila= flower
Armenians who've moved to Glendale will stay in their bubble. also in Boston RI, etc. It's when they move out their enclaves that the ties are broken. Downward trend of 2nd lang. learning in the US in general. Possible to study a region academically w/ out speaking the language.
1st school-parents;
Mercedes Many parents speak their lang @ home but Spanish @ school. Because of technology, -> esp in rural/far away areas they're losing their interest in language. Most speak but don't learn reading + writing. The teaching is not permitted/excluded in schools, a new form of cultural displacement. If Spanish not learned, students can't pass their classes. There is also a problem of lack of education ever in Spanish because people have not been to school due to socio-economic factors. Trying to integrate the indigenous lang into schools so they can read + write properly (they've tried a project).

You're discriminated against even if you are educated if you choose to wear your traditional dress/uphold customs