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June 27-July 1; July 4-8, 2018
Log Sheet #3
Smithsonian Folklife Festival Audio/Video Log Sheet
Logger Name: Kathy Mulcahy/Paul Motsuk
Recorder 1 Name: Foodways 1
File Name: Hatsu 1-401.wav
Recorder 2 Name: Foodways 2
File Name: Food 2-031.wav
Presenter: Susanna Safaryan
Date/Time: 7-4-18 2PM
Program: Armenia
Stage: Hatsatoun (Bread House)
Group Name: 
Session Title: Summer Toma

[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
| Hripsume Toumanyan | Cook, Ashtarak, Aragatsotn Province |

This recipe has been handed down from 3 generations in cook's family. Summer Toma ingredients: cabbage, tomato, onion, meat or chicken, rice, red pepper, dill, parsley, fresh basil, coriander, thyme, tomato paste, salt, eggplant, red pepper
These are made in summer with fresh ingredients and in winter with frozen ingredients.

Cabbage is common vegetable in summer toma. 
1. Boil cabbage slightly until all leaves are permeated
2. Cut eggplant in half and hollow out for filling
3. Clean and salt red pepper for filling
4. Cut and hollow out tomato for filling
5. Cut and slice apples or dried apples
6. Stuff each vegetable with meat and rice filling. Roll cabbage leaves. 
7. Place in pot
This cook operates a guest house for foreign visitors. Armenia has a toma festival in spring or summer.

Toma is a special and respected dish, especially for festival occasions. Grape leaves are also used for stuffing. Lentils and vegetables are also used for stuffing.