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V: in last 6 yrs, seen a revival of wine industry w/ a lot of investment. 

R: Picatta is already done. Recites ingredients. Add to olive oil and saute for 8 min. Add [[strikethrough]] tomato (grated) [[/strikethrough]] grated tomato. 
Unsalted bread doesn't mold as quickly, because it doesn't absorb water.

V: Our cusine is mostly meat-oriental, sheep and pork.
To get crispy fish skin, need a v. hot pan. He cheats [[strikethrough]] to a [[/strikethrough]] w/ fire to heat pan sufficiently.

Joke - we know people who eat sushi, and everything else is overcooked.

Ramon - we don't normally use a fish stock, because we have a lot of fish.
Crew is 4-5 men,
Uses "fideo" pasta, thin and cut in short sections.

V: Use any kind of greens.

Ramon: added fish to pasta, mixing it in, in last 5 min. 

V: Hadja Rissoto is almost done.
I enjoy hospitality, food, wine and friends and family. Armenian cooking is v. intense. There is a lot of chopping & dicing. 

Ramon: Repeats recipe & sequence for "Fideo" & stock.
Begin to cook for friends. Then became pro's. When you are in a boat for 12 hours, and you are hungry, you learn to cook. 

V: Rosotto must be moist. When I cook I already know how it will look on the plate. I like to know how it is going to finish. 

Ramon: on the boat, aesthetics are not as important.