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- ceremonies reveal parts of family history/ genaeology
- Blacksmithing Lineage

-First Armenian family: "Hayek"?

-Culinary identity/Food & identity

-Food Memory as a foundation of identity
"You are what you ate"
BREAD identity: Lavash National/ Family/Personal

-Comments on presentation of 'Americanness' at this event 

-Tragedy as national identity

Desire to not have 'victimhood as central narrative to 
Armenian identity 
Importance of emphasizing stories of self-defense /"heroes"
-Examples of self-defense stories Listed /valor

-Ancient history: archaeology caves (Areni Cave)
Special attitude towards plants: apricot, grapes.

Excavations at Areni Cave & findings: wine, shoes 
Wine history

-Pride felt by Armenians at age/length of history/ old artifacts 

Audience questions/comments?
1. Diaspora Armenian:


3.? Arshoel Gorki? Famous Armenian painter 
Currently on display @ Natic Gallery
-Resilience of Armenians
-Armenian Fol Arts, Identity, Culture (Book)

4. 4th gen Armenian, comments on personal experience of 

?5. Eastern/Western Armenian?
- History of empires that ruled over Armenian territory
Byzantine/ Ottoman
- Different dialects/ Linguistics
-Western Armenia affected by genocide