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Q - Why do you sing in Occitan?
A. It is my language. The most natural thing I can do.

Q: Tell us about Occitan language
A: It is a romance language, like Spanish, French, Italian.

Q: What inspires your songwriting?
A: All the song I sing are my own compositions.
Sometimes I am inspired by love, philosophy, political situations, and nature, because of our mountains.

[[left margin]] *accadia pirates name? [[/left margin]]
Song #3 - E Pirata de Montana 
   A story of a humble man who had no money. He 
had peace inside him so he was happy. One day, 
The wind from the sea makes him crazy, and he 
decides to become a pirate, because he wants all the
riches. He becomes the most feared and wealthy pirate.
Then the wind of the mountains arrives, and he realizes 
he must go back home and walk on the grass. He 
is a pirate from the mountains. she invites audience 
to come close, and participate by yelling and stopping.   
Its the story of Juanetun.

[[left margin]] *Occitania [[/left margin]]
in 1400- Occitania was once part of Spain, Monaco,
France, Italy. There are estimates of 650,000 to 
3 million occitan speakers.

Q-Why not sing in other languages to reach more
A-The most important things for me is to be sincere 
and natural. I think music is also a language.
My mother is a music teacher, and she was the 
first in our valley to write songs in occitan

[[left margin]] * the meaning y the repeated phrases [[/left margin]]
Song #4 Bona Umor
- no matter who we are, we can learn
"How good this is"
"yeah, that's good"