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4 Catalonian have solid spirit. 
5 Story of how he got involved in A. Martial Artina dance.
1 How he first saw human tower. liked how child was on top and supported by rest of tower. 
Master without students is not a master. Circle gives player energy. 
4 Catalonia culture gives and takes. 
3 Language helps bind people from outside Catalonia
1 Teaching A in PC is different than in Brazil. In class he learns English, other languages and ways of life. 
Lots of respect for students. Believes in helping others.
4 Evolves like society. Part of Catalonian society. It will evolve for ever w/ society. 
Song: "la la vaei" (at end)
3 Mom left when he was 5 due to personal issues. Come to Catalonia. 
4 Come to Catalonia 2 yrs ago to find a better place to raise children.