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JUNE 27-JULY 1; JULY 4-8, 2018
LOG SHEET # [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 5


LOGGER NAME: Alison Karfeld/Mary Aldacushion
RECORDER 1 NAME: Dance Workshop 1
FILE NAME: 0163.wav
RECORDER 2 NAME: Dance Workshop 2
FILE NAME: 0365.wav
PRESENTER & Translator: Banegas Kallio Ximeno
DATE/TIME: 7/7/18 [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] pm
PROGRAM: Catalonia
STAGE: Dance Workshop
GROUP NAME: Music & Dance from the Pyrenees w/ Ivan Caro and Pilar Planavila

[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
| Ivan Caro | Professor of gralla & flute Dance teacher |
| Pilar Planavila | accordion |

Instrumental introduction
This music played an hour away from Barcelona
Danced by huge eagle, [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] combination of dance & festival about fine in July.
Call for audience to come forward and dance 
Weather so much better today.
Warm up body- see #3 normal, slow, fast, etc.
High 5, hug, jumps
Circle Dance RLRL LRLR, 2 people go around circle
stop in front of someone, RLRL LRLR 2 new people join inner circle, RLRL LRLR etc. New people join.
In Catalonia- they love dancing on the plazas. 
Couple Dance - "Love Dance." point heel w/ right, then 1,2,3 [[strikethrough]] 4 up, 4 back [[/strikethrough]] happy steps in four, out, four 
important to look in eyes of partner
change partners
Many instruments in Catalonia. One of most important is the gralla. Same name as a screechy bird.
Ivan plays gralla.