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JUNE 29-JULY 4; JULY 6-9, 2017 LOG SHEET #5 SMITHSONIAN FOLKLIFE FESTIVAL AUDIO/VIDEO LOG SHEET LOGGER/VIDEOGRAPHER: Dave Bosserinth RECORDER NUMBER (MAIN): CFCH 1 FILE NAME: 1:27:55.wav RECORDER NUMBER (BACKUP): CFCH 18 FILE NAME: 1:27:55.wav PRESENTER: [[strikethrough]] Cittalli Alvares DATE/TIME: PROGRAM: OTM STAGE: StoryO GROUP NAME: SESSION TITLE: Childhoods in Motion [[2 columned table]] | Participants(S) | INSTRUMENT/OCCUPATION | | --- | --- | 1 | Cesar Vargas | Dir Dream Action Coalition | 2 | Yesenia Mata | DAC | 3 | Carlos Vargas | DAC | 4 | Hina Naveed | DAC | Work Shop Break into work Groups To develop stories *downward arrow* CONTENTS/NOTES (continue on back): 1.For me immigration starts w stories - mom w plastic bag w all our documents running across border. Mom falls- we ran (80 % are raped) Good + Bad immigrants? 2. 2011 DAC founded to tell our own stories come @ 4- worked my way (no help) though BA 4. Stories compell other to act 1 story of self why we do what we do appeal to heart 2 stories of us + now inspire- appeal to Left Groups 6 5 minutes for a story 1. challenge 2 choice 3 outcome First Part (over) challenge
Transcription Notes:
& not +