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Childhoods In Motion 
[5 cont]


A. After University -> [folbought?] to southern Argentina [was a black woman]Harrassment - but had conversations about Boy Black trold 
out of us once structure into another different one

B. Our stories as immigrants - good trying to (in Spanish) 
Separate us from our identity 
story of [] [blou?] [] [@?] war in El Salvador
2nd Rout: (?): shared values of some group you belong to
urgent challenge & action: [?] in personal & group values: Fools on choice

C. Father came @ 15. I saw how opportouities were denied him in undocumented 
I am from Chicago & saw school to prison  
Paliticous took $ from schools: so we jocuel our block br[?]
A. Challenge: People we serve- misunderstood
"educate" public
B. Need to find our own [?] that connects to our neighbors and leaves them understanding us, our mission,+ our "clients" & how they fit into these stories 

Transcription Notes:
a couple of words that are illegible