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JUNE 29-JULY 4; JULY 6-9, 2017 LOG SHEET #6 SMITHSONIAN FOLKLIFE FESTIVAL AUDIO/VIDEO LOG SHEET LOGGER / VIDEOGRAPHER: David Bosserman RECORDER NUMBER (MAIN): CFCH 1 FILE NAME: 00:16:29.wav RECORDER NUMBER (BACKUP): CFCH 18 FILE NAME: 00:15:40.wav PRESENTER: Mark [? Puryeir ?] DATE / TIME: 6/30 PROGRAM: OTM STAGE: STORYO GROUP NAME: SESSION TITLE: My H'Oproht Other Poems [[2 columned table]] | PARTICIPANTS | INSTRUMENT/OCCUPATION | | --- | --- | | 1. Regie Cabico | Poetry Slam Champ Captury Fire Orginging | | 2. Jerrico Escoto | | Discussion on Phillipano Identity in American Culture Contents/Notes (Continue on back): 1. "Learning to be my fathers son" 2. My father- Part II clerk # 4 " capturing[?]" for immigrants- whose ideal of going some where turns into somthing [ ? worse ?]" 4. After the election: 2. 2nd gen on immigrant parents: you become emba[?] of your own culture " The philippano me" what it means to be me Does being 2nd Gen Philapano mean American comes first? 4 There is no folk in the family "every is magic from Cats You are my [? ho'path ?] 2 We end up living a life you are not sure you want Break-up poem