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June 29-July 4; July 6-9, 2017 
Log Sheet #1

Smithsonian Folklife Festival Audio/Video Log Sheet

Logger/Videographer: David Rosserind
Recorder Number (Main): CHCH 1
File Name: 1/1/12.wav
Recorder Number (Backup): CFCH 18
File name: 1/5/12.wav
Presenter: Amelia Cordova Date/Time: 7/1   11 am
Program: OTM Stage: Story O
Group Name: Capoeira [[strikethrough]] [[? cento?]] [[/strikethrough]] & Angola Center of NY
Session Title: Active Moving with Capoeira

[[2 column table]]
| Montre Jono Grande | Haitey And Wikhez
| Montre Jelon Viero |  + Cap Masters 
#1 D have [[?]] Along 16 "Walk Way" | Several Groups 
of Capoeria are playing | + singing together 
Members not playing | are going through
Then moves along | The walk way 
along with some visitors

CONTENTS/NOTES (continue on back):  
11:12 1. [[? Birim ?]] Bao = Bow Instrument 
2. [[? Bystria ?]] = ensemble Blum Bao/ Drums/
#2 3. Dance performance
4. Dancers face each other & mirror
5. The others crouching motions
6. - This goes on forever 
11:40 #3 7. closing song + dance 
8. [[strikethrough]]Reasons[/strike] These are games not fights