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3 cont


The Kids(1. at first - lots of trees - made friends 
of different ethnic groups - all w Broken English.

2. Syria - 2016 - made friends w soccor

3.  [? Aend ?]: [[?]] for 2-3 years → GA 
I ate w my hands - kids laughed - 
& Taught him To use The flat wear. 
4. Mohammad[underlined] 2001 → Lebanon → GA 
Life is Good Here.  2014 - Joined the fugees [[?refugees?]] soccer
Some Teams use insults Toward us 

[[strikethrough]] being [[/strikethrough]] The [? Herd ?] & my - we honor each other & know their stories.  Are together most of the time coach - she gets mad - but at the end, everything is fine. 

Refugee process follows the Govt's wave
Ethnic groups flow in to fill the available apartments.  Some move out to suburbs. but some buy in the community.

Goal:  Harmonize the refugee & change the narrative to refugee voices

Transcription Notes:
Suspect "flat wear" is meant to be "flatware."