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4: Gl Savaldor - no cohice to take responsibility - you must help people but in US have more of a choice here 3: Guatemala - children leave school to work + help provide food to family 2: greatest difference she seen [[?]] in responsibility, in her country women learn housekeep + cooking; in US you study + learn to be someone in life 1: In her [[?]] freedom & do things they can't in US, learn to respect people as they are but in US you can be an independent woman + not follow rules of Hispanic/Latino culture Q: grew up in [[?]] border town where cultures were [[?]] (Mexico + US) What will you do w/ freedom? Tell of 1 incidence where you make freedom [[?]] for you? 1: My ideology changed at US + I realized I want to be independent, to do things her way, wants to spread this message to women in her country, to address social problems 2: uses theater to explore issues of independence, wants to show her family that [[female symbol]] can become something on her own 3: parents shouldn't [[?]] in hand of children 4: In theater, did a scene on social change, why are so many people focused on issues [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] they are not involved with 5: what she loves [[?]] her generation is there use of art to change things + explore issues, theater give ability to observe + to change mind of people, particularly older adults women must be free to [[?]] into they are to change this world Audience questions: How has theater improved you? 4: [[?]] not shy now 3: I can speak up + talk @ problems 1: pushed her art [[?]] her comfort zone