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June 29-July 4; July 6-9, 2017 
Log Sheet #2
Smithsonian Folklife Festival 
Audio/Video Log Sheet
Logger/Videographer: Dave Bosserman
Recorder Number (Main): CHCH 1
File Name: .wav
Recorder Number (Backup) CFCH 2
File name: .wav
Presenter: [[/Strikethrough]] Pat Goern [[/Strikethrough]]  [[/Strikethrough]] Ellie Hearus [[/Strikethrough]]  Ellie Hearus
Date/Time: 7/3 11:45 
Program: OTM
Stage: Story O
Group Name: Body As Home
Session Title: Migration Stories

[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
| Je Nae'Taylor | Presenter |
| Sebi Medina Toyze | Intro |
| E Kairo Melys | |
| Kai green | Teacher Poet DYP 100 |
| Autumn Williows | Engineer DIfX Atruim School for Explore ASFE
| Elle Hearus |
|   |   |
|[[/Strikethrough]] Pat Goern [[/Strikethrough]] | [[/Strikethrough]] Introduction [[/Strikethrough]] |

CONTENTS/NOTES (continue on back):
1. Experience of [[underline]]Body[[/underline]] as Home
2. Intersections of race, class, identity & not
3. Migration, community, culture
4. Art & performance to express multiple identities
5. Cultural memory & transformation
[[left margin]] Kai [[/left margin]]
6. Migration = movement = change; what keeps you from it
7.[[underline]]Poem[[/underline]] Airport; Body scan; turns body
[[left margin]] Autu [[/left margin]]
8. Engineer - few poem + Blinks --> Africa & AFfE
[[left margin]] Kairo [[/left margin]] 
Aatioc Wlled Exhibitions on Community: art/theory/people Art on Social Change agent
Shot Last Year on the street