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P: Silk Road was a big statement. 
1: Early festivals were weekend long. Two in 72 as prep for 12wks in 76. 
Two weeks is still standard
3: Fall festival had bad weather... not many people showed
OK wanted racetrack hence move to main well
2. Another issue was fiscal year ended Sept. Fest in Oct was VERY hard to do. 
1: 76->77  155 acres->14 acres
P: India fest: Up all night setting up. India culture minister thought dust on wall just like India. 
1. Story of Fork life vs Taxi
2. All of Smithsonian touched festival. (Very emotional) Had staff come to picnic. Now if is Simthso [[strikethrough]] Smisho [[/strikethrough]] Smithsonian Staff Picnic. 
3. Smithsonian staff didn't have time to visit museums but always wanted to know about fest. 
1. 76 no computers or cell phones...
Q: # attendance? 2. Used to guestimate by looking out window. 80'x easily get look 1 day on weekends
Now ~ 150K for entire festival
Q: Prana Parker used to worry if anyone would show up on opening day. 
Q: How to choose participants? P) Staff [[strikethrough]] staff [[/strikethrough]] Fieldworkers goes out to recommend participants. 
Q: Musician selection? Basically the same...