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Fruits are also important- coconut
[[strikethrough]] Mention of Kukama language endangerment and continued talking (in Kukama)
about the masks used in dance & CARNIVAL-
time in February; dance around a tree, a ceremony common in amazonian indigenous
culture. Carnival is a dangerous time for them;
if you go day before carnival to the [[strikethrough]]forest/mountains you many encounter
a demon like these masks represents. In our
area we believe these things really happen. 

Demo of masks (aucidence members try on)

Story of the Kukama -presented by two speakers translated by Marco

The first things the Kukama made were arrow,bow
The Kukama gods shot the bow and arrow, Once the arrow was shot, the river was created.

The Kukama god then rode in the stone boat to find
where the arrow had fallen
When the Kukama god found the arrow, he wrapped with
a smaller arrow

When the Kukama god shot the smaller arrow it created the bow of corue that is found in the shape of the river
The Kukama was pleased with what he had created
The Kukama encountered two women along the river and asked the women to wash his body
The Kukama and the two women bathed together