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June 24-28, July 1-5,2015. 
Log Sheet#3
Smithsonian Folklife Festival Audio/Video Log sheet
Logger/Videographer: Greg Jacks 
Memory Card Number-Tascam: CFCH:5 
File name:Vemo.wav 0146/0193 card was switched [[strikethrough]] 12 next [[/strikethrough]]
Stage:Radio Ucamara
Group Name: Radio Ucamara 
Region/Style: Kukama

[[2 columned table]]
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Contents/Notes (Continue on back):
1. Danna: "[[strikethrough]] R [[/strikethrough]] Parana/the River" song about oil pollution
2. - three oil spills this year; several hundred thousand barrels. and radio station are response to threats: "responding with happiness.
4.Issues failed
5.8:00 ANother song, Danna/Maria, "Cumbaricito" Kumbarikra?
6.Discusses importance of preserving language, role of school
7.Current teachers at school are last generation to 
8.grow up with kukama language.
19:00 discussion of schedule for rest of afternoon.
20:45 Danna: "Daughter of the moon." /child of the moon"
             -song of different people
27:00 Maria:story:In Kukama, then Spanish/English