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June 24-28; July 1-5, 2015. 
Log Sheet #9
Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio/Video Log Sheet
Logger/Videographer: Savannah Powell / Paul Motsuk
Memory Card Number - TASCAM: CFCH
File Name: 285.wav
Date/Time: 7/1/15 
Program: PerĂº  
Stage: Hablador
Group Name: Conversation w/ Edna Arroyo

[[2 Columned Table]]
| Performer(s) | Instrument/Occupation |
| --- | --- |
| 1 Edna Arroyo | Artisan of gold & silver |

CONTENTS/NOTES (continue on back):
1 Bua is the area she is from which is where this comes from. Her family did it. At 25 her father father said she should learn so it would not be lost. Also works w/ bronze. When she saw this work as a kid the tools were different. Now saudering irons. She has 30 yrs of experience. This is a hair ornament for women who dance Marinara. Kontongas are earrings worn in dance. First started to sell to anyone, but a friend who danced Marinara asked her to make things. Marinara is the national dance of PerĂº. She did all the pieces for the Marinara group here.
Q: Are designs traditional or her own creations.