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June 25-29; July 2-6, 2014
Log Sheet #5

Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio/Video Log Sheet

Logger/Videographer: Alison Karfeld
Memory Card Number - TASCAM:
File Name: Five Spice.0112
Memory Card Number[[strikethrough]] - ZOOM H2:
File Name: Five Spi
Presenter: Qiaoyun Zhang 
Date/Time: 6/28/14
Program: China 
Stage: 5 Spice
Group Name: Pickled & Diced Noodle
Region/Style: Sichaun [[strikethrough]] -Hui [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]

[[2 columned table]]
| Performer(s) | Instrument/Occupation | 
| [[strikethrough]] Wang Feng [[/strikethrough]] |   |
| Ge luo za xt |   |
| Lin ma no |   |
| Shi ma ma |   |
| Ze wang reng qing |   |

Contents/Notes (continue on back):
1. Intro of chefs [[strikethrough]] and family [[/strikethrough]] from autonomous area
2. Main ingredient = potato; people in my home town eat many potatoes
3. This dish is especially popular for if you've drunk too much!
4. You also want to include meat - at home, mountain ox, beef liver
5. Grow veggies in our yard, pickle them @ home for months
7. 1 Veg oil medium high, stir-fry green onion, chile powder, garlic, ginger, add beef, potato, salt
8. As home we have a wood burning stove - this is my 1st time to use gas [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
(Boil potato 80% ready)
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Not many ingredients available in my mountainous
area. Used to make this for parents when they came home from [[strikethrough]] [[work?]] [[/strikethrough]] working the fields.