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1 cont Moor cake cut into piece for each person.
2 Families often set table in yard as a sacrifice to moon. [[strikethrough]] more of a tradition[[/strikethrough]]. Family share food later. Tradition -till kept in country areas, not in cities. Youth no longer do it either.
i After fest (next day) family goes out together for exercise time together. In my mem. after it was made official it is 2nd main festival.
2 Full moon reminds people of desire for reunion. Nowadays, People spread out around country, so reunion is really desired. 
i For a lot of Chinese People to see full moon. Autumn moon biggest. Even in office prep for festival is good time. like prep for the new year. Before [[calendar?]] people used moon phases to determine day.
2 3 of 4 main fests are lunar based / sun based moon cake is tied to moon festival. Each has traditional foods. These days most are eaten all year. Moon cakes are still only eater at Moon Fest.
1 Moon Cakes N/s differences
N: Nuts/date paste
S: Eggs/coconut
2 these days chocolate and ice cream seen. Dif. manufactures diff sizes 3m -> public square sized. Also fancy boxes. People say the other buy box instead of cake. 
i clay figures made for display around cake. 2 Bunny a favorite in Beijing
2 [[Jade?]] Rabbit found in moon always making medicene for (see page 3 front side)
P Chinese spice program to moon named after Jade bunny.