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some of poem about growing up, being Asian/Japanese, prejudice/racism/& feelings growing up Asian.
3rd poem:
Will Juro(sp?)[strikethrough] - from Hawaii/Samoa: About colonization. associated with descendant
Pages Mateen: from Cameron. How mother brough him up & "my momma never had wings"
2nd poem"Agate[strikethrough]" - to[strikethrough] Cameron to[strikethrough] term.
conversations w/family them up
"Important Things to Know Before Marrying an African or [?][strikethrough] must look Rice"
Poem 1:
2 Deep the Poetess: Experience in America, Nigerian & Puerto Rican heritage. Topics about me, like me, not me, language. Care for changes.
Poem 2: "muslin Angel" - what happened to her after us caught same Ben Lader. Lack[strikethrough] No longer feeling [?][strikethrough] proud of being an American. About being human.
Bmani: after[strikethrough] from South Carolina; rap about how blessed he is. "Day 8 God made funk"; "God made me funky"
SAPAN South Asian Perfoming Artist Network
1 song (2 drums, guitar & vocal)
2nd song (vocal).
Bamani: - Inprov w/SAPA musicians & rapper
Good Day.
Ended - marched to Moonbeam Sage where 6:00 Performance happens