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flying songs = very high pitched
performers use [[strikethrough]] costumes (dress) [[/strikethrough]] dresses as instruments 
Miao —> rural areas, dependent on seasons, celebrate good harvest, interpreted through music
Little Red Leaf Tree → song, wood of tree good for cooking, males looking for ideal wife
females performing folk songs turn & acknowledge each other frequently
male gives waistband → female interested, song based off of this 
lots of upbeat dances - jumping, twisting
courtship song after waistband tune, tells story of courtship (series of songs after tree song)

lots of harmonizing, polyphonic singing, very common in SW China

Bamboo outer & inner tube → blow into top of inner tube → only produces one pitch/note

[[strikethrough]] baoi [[/strikethrough]] large drum [[image]] → high energy song/sound
red ribbons around bamboo pipe instruments & drum

Two of us - marriage — using all parts of drum
dances/songs - all very positive

Transcription Notes:
image: drawing of drum