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Encounters with poachers
- Ivory $6k/kilo on open market
- Killing elephant can set someone up for life
Herds of wildlife can cause significant agricultural damage
New laws against poaching, tries to address conflicts between farmers & poachers (incentives & penalties)
"A Rangers Life is a Dangerous Life." New comic book 
- Talks about dangers of poaching
- Education & awareness
How has elephant population changed over time
38k elephants now/160k in '60s.
Role of drones & high tech
Pilot program (maybe not a effective because of large areas, poachers are sneaky.)
- Show of military boots on ground most effective
Poachers mostly done at night, night vision, sophisticated weapons.  [[strikethrough]] poachers very snea [[/strikethrough]]
Solomon real life story of encounters
- Has had ~60 encounters & has lost some of his colleagues. Killed by poacher 
(rifles, bow & arrow)
Outreach programs to youth
- Conservation education wardens in communities
- Radio show & exhibitions
USAID is a collaborative partner of KWS
Avg income in Kenya: $120/mo
Nairobi National Park - near airport

Transcription Notes:
& not +