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June 25 - 29; July 2 - 6, 2014  
Log Sheet # 7 [[strikethrough]] 8 [[/strikethrough]]
Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio / Video Log Sheet
Logger / Videographer:  Alison Karfeld / Eugene Townes
Memory Card Number - Tascam:   
File Name:
Memory Card Number - Zoom H2:  
File Name:
Date/Time: 6/27/14 4:15
Program: Kenya   
Stage: Karibuni  
Group Name: Kenyan Diaspara
Region / Style:

[[2 Columned Table]]
| Performer(s) | Instrument / Occupation |
| --- | --- |
| Mary Acevedo | AKPA Chair person Association of Kenyan Professional in America |
| Welima Masinde | Entrepreneur | 
| Felix Masi | Foreign Service | 
| Carolina Ndwaru | Educator | 

Contents / Notes (continue on back):
1. Intro of panelists
2. Discussion of [[strikethrough]] Ware [[/strikethrough]] educational difference between US & Kenya.
3. US was kinder, not reliant on 1 test of the whole year's material that determines [[strikethrough]] if [[/strikethrough]] the rest of your [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] life.
4. In Kenya, Students dont talk back; In US, participation is encouraged 
5. Discussion of public diplomacy. Felix is a Foreign Service in Congo 
6. In [[strikethrough]] Us [[/strikethrough]] Kenya leadership is imposed, [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]] youth not mentored like here in US
7. Discussion of how to maintain traditions of home in the US
8. Assn of Kenyan Professionals in America (AKPA) in Atlanta use of fashion, shared food/cooking at non-African peers 
Caroline grew up in KS.