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to keep animals safe for future generations.

- 'Contact' - w/ poachers/bandit - exchange fine (instead of emails) -> # of scars in body - 

- 23 national parks some ring - fenced (electric)

- 1 warden / 10 ranger - teams - 

- patrol - foot patrol - 20 km - 
Mobile vehicle patrols = no trees/bushes
-> "dominating the area" - foot trades - to show poachers their measure -

- Community rangers - not different from ranger service - patrols - as well - 

- Rangers still don't have - night - vision equipment -

- Best Moments: "gunned 4 - 5 poachers down"

Who are the poachers - poaching is a business - 1K of ivory - $500 (not one community - Somalia, Kenya, US)

- penalty for poaching - 1/10/2014 - Poaching Act $300,000/life imprisonment
- rhino - poached more ($500,000 for 1 rhino)

- subsistence poaching - small species - for food.
- dilemma for rangers - 

- trafficking - 20 yrs imprisonment - 

- collect ivory from dead animals - keeping the pile

- Elephant pop in Kenya [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] is growing - 

- Rhino - only 1,100 - highly endangered