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June 25 - 29; July 2 - 6, 2014  
Log Sheet # 
Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio / Video Log Sheet
Logger / Videographer: Ben Capistrano / Rachel Crichton
Memory Card Number - Tascam: CFCH20   
File Name: 0119
Memory Card Number - Zoom H2: CFCH22   
File Name:
Presenter: Sally Vandvater  
Date/Time:  6/28  
Program: Kenya Mambo Poa  
Stage: Boma  
Group Name: Ethnic Identity
Region / Style:

[[2 Columned Table]]
| Performer(s) | Instrument / Occupation |
| --- | --- |
| John Kamange | Masai Elder |
| [[strikethrough]] Pa [[/strikethrough]] Paul MeHera |   | 
| Benson Leyan | Kilimanjaro | 

Contents / Notes (continue on back):
1. Masai - one of 42 ethnic groups in Kenya - 
2.  30,000 in different regions (Southern Kenya)
3. Shirt - w/ Masai branding - like wearing red.
5. John - conservation work; Masai community - conser-
6. vationist by nature bc of their culture.
7. Masai - living w/ friends of nature; including the wild 
8. they've learned to live w/ ea other.

- Cultural Resource Center - preserve the Masai Culture. 
Connection => ran plant management, livestock preservation, wildlife conservation