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Culture note: 7) Foods are prepared over open fire or in cooking house behind main house.
Culture note: 8) Women eat in cooking house & discuss traditional feminine topics; cooking, recipes, children. Men eat in the main house & talk about politics, soccer clay pots are used traditionally & today - cleared with sisal or ash on clay pots.
9) Cook large quantities of food as guests are always welcome & arrive unexpectedly 
Culture note: 10) It is impolite to ask visitors if they've eaten. Visitors are told, "Please wash your hands and let's eat."
Fish Recipe
11) Sauté fish until lightly browned; add vegetable (tomato & onion) & sauté lightly. Cover & cook over low heat.
Vegetable recipe        
12) Cut finely (or shred) as a traditional manner). Fry onion or onions & tomatoes in oil. Add collard greens/kale & cook for 3 minutes
Culture note: 
13) In some areas of Kenya, a man cooking is grounds for divorce. 
Culture note: 
14) What kind of foods are served to guests? fish preparation in multiple ways, beef, chicken, etc. It is impolite to ask people what they enjoy eating
Culture note: 
15) Your animals are your wealth - people don't slaughter their own animals. but their own animals from the market or meat form others (neighbors, etc.) but their own animals represent their wealth.