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June 25-29; July 2-6, 2014 
Log Sheet #
Smithsonian Folklife Festival Audio/Video Log Sheet
Logger/Videographer: Ben Capistrano/ Rachel Crichton
Memory Card Number-TASCAM: CFCH20
File Name: 0116
Memory Card Number - Zoom H2: CFCH22
File Name: 
Presenter: Diana N'Diaye
Date/Time: 6/28
Program: Kenya Mambo Poa
Stage: BOMA
Group Name:  Textile Entrepreneurship

[[2 columned table]]
|[[strikethrough]]Muhamed Hussein[[/strikethrough]]|[strikethrough]]Kanga Maker [[/strikethrough]]|
|[[strikethrough]] Meling [[/strikethrough]] Cat Meling||Embroidery [[strikethrough]]drawer[[/strikethrough]]|
|Yanling [[strikethrough]] Sum [[/strikethrough]] Sun| |Embroidery|
||Abdul Kadernina||Khanga|

CONTENTS/NOTES (continue on back):
1. Family entrepreneurship
2. Embroidery tradition passed down from several generations (stypical 
3. of area
4. Different style depending on the city village or province
5. [[strikethrough]] Has [[/strikethrough]] Provided jobs in local areas where there are many embroiderers
6. Khanga has been used since the mid-ninteenth century
7. Since Portugese relations continued, the locals made their own Khanga
8. [[strikethrough]] A [[/strikethrough]] One of the few Khanga studios- required to make at least 300 designs yearly
-Prevalent in tourist, industry and locally- apprentices make the souvenirs as they're simpler