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Swahili house continued 
Starts with the door. House must be built &
- Woman typically prepare materials for thatching.
Audience Q: on the difficulty of fetching H2O
A: saurces [[?]] river - could take 4 hrs, if no donkey woman carry it. A woman may carry 30-40 liters of H20
H2O for crops, livestock cooking...
Aud. Q: What do men do?
A: Traditionally - men look after the cattle, camels & sheep & provide
security for wives
Presenter Q- Banana huts - when to build a house, [[strikethrough]]but [[/strikethrough]]
A: Oman -> Woman must prove to husband that they are strong,
"I have learned to help my wives build house"
camels or donkeys transport homes in these nomadic tribes.
Aud Q: Why don't men build wells?
A: coastal region well water may be salty
A: [[strikethrough]] Don't [[/strikethrough]] cannot predict H2O groundwater
Presenter Q - [[strikethrough]] What [[/strikethrough]] Tell about bottle huts
A - We use bottles because they are available.
Broken bottles can be replaced
Cement - sand-bottles make a strong wall.
Audi Q: Are those songs traditionally sung while building huts
A: Josephine - yes... Love songs about husband
Demo: song*
2 Ethnic communities with different hut building styles.
Presenter Q: What do huts tell of your ethnic community
A: Oman responds... Banana
A Josephine responds... Turkana spiral shape supports defense of family - intruders must follow liuists Harms [[?]].
Houses are not locked
Multiwives - multi - huts
Aud. Q on clothing - colors meaning...?
A: clothing reveals ethnicity