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[[strikethrough]]How[[/strikethrough]] Living with wildlife
Josephine- we do not use modern ways but Traditional methods
- fires and living areas to save wild animals 
- surround gardens with the beehives - Elephants fear bees
- dogs scare off elephants

Beatrice - integrate tradition, natural resources
The conservancy 1. qives voice to community members. 
2. work with Rangers 3. Problem solve community concerns

Community Patrols wk with Wildlife Services
Change in attitudes towards elephants
- tourism selected to wildlife brings in $ to fund school fees fa example
(successful conservation must be holistic)
conservation helps manage water, grazing patterns
has alleviated fighting over resources cap-water.
Kenyan govt supports conservancies 
Tourism in Kenya

Beatrice - Kenya is beautiful and safe. Travel to Kenya should not be a problem.
Tourism is a bedrock of economy. Safety of tourist is important.
Conservancies protect wildlife corridors.  They track movements & plan their grazing & building. 

Transcription Notes:
The[?] next to wildlife is supposed to be corridors I believe.