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June 25-29; July 2-6, 2014
Log Sheet # 6

Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio/Video Log Sheet

Memory Card Number-Tascam: CFCH20 
File Name: Boma_126
Memory Card Number-Zoom H2: CFCH22
File Name: - 6
Presenter: Tom Sallampa
Date/Time: 6/29/14
Program: Kenya
Stage: Boma
Group Name: Ethnic Identity

[[2 Columned Table]]
| Performer(s) | Instrument/Occupation |
| --- | --- |
| Omar Dide |   |
| John Ekai |   |
| Saunders Jacobsen |   |


Contents/Notes (continue on back):
1. Intro of speakers
2. Identity can be determined by manner of dress.
4. In Kenya 2/2 diff tribes, used to be marriage within tribe only, how everyone is mixed.
5. Omar's community Borana migrated from Ethiopia; camel based, move with camels
7. Ekai's tribe migrated from Eygpt, Ethiopia, Sudan (also found in Rift Valley) to take Turokana [[best guess]] (sp?)
8. -Pastoralist, polygamist
Sander's story of how American became entrenched in Sambura culture, lived with them and became family, drank milk & blood.
- Discussion of how to extract and consume the blood.
- Education had reached rural areas. Everyone can now speak Kiswahili (Natl Lang.)