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Mohamad asked what was special about the coast-
"cocktail" of many cultures
- Many cultures have disappeared
- Has become very expensive
- Lack of market
Ali - people are not as patient as they used to be
People now fly instead of going by boat 
[?] now have motors
Ahmed - who owns rights to khanga? No one
Khanga - has multiple [?]
Makes everything look good
Mohamed - trying to hold on to old traditions
Question about food in Costa
M - spices used in Swahili food
Ali - trying different foods
Rice - tastes totally different depending on woks
Clothes can show what group they are from
Ali - wearing typical Swahili outfit
Ahmed - food is mainly Indian
uses a lot of coconut - more typically Swahili
Moderator asked about festivals in area
Mohamed - Islamic related
draw competition
Ali - trying to revive old customs in festivals
- call people back to their origins
- need to know your source to know where you're going

Issues related to language
- Coastal people known as "Swahili people" but Swahili is not recognized as a registered tribe
- Swahili now a national language. Coastal area known as army literate people. Fore Fathers were poets
- Swahili was a language of respect historically. Now 
losing that edge. Pigeon Swahili denigrating language
- Sheik Nabahani very respected poet
- Words from trading barters making its way into language
- Lamu people speak pure form of Swahili

Wheels of the world are turning. Change is inevitable
Some change is bad: crime, drugs, etc
Need to show good ways
Must safeguard cultural traditions