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To B. Matsuki,   Dr.
Feb. 21" 1898  Address, Boston, Mass

[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| For Kakemano "Fire Flies and Current of Water in Bamboa" by Bunian | 75 00 | - |
| "Fugi Mountain" by Toyohiko | 50 00 | 125 00 |

As per attached letter

Correct,  H A B Aikman   Approved,  C L Freer
Received of C. L. Freer, One Standard Twenty Five 100/100 DOLLARS IN FULL OF THE ABOVE ACCOUNT.
Feb 23rd 1898   Bunkio Matsuke

Transcription Notes:
Lots of illegible text; I left many blanks Done - corrected table format as well