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| Septr. 13th 1869. #75 | Drew, Wm. P. Chief of Claim Division See S.O. No. 135. Septr. 13, 69. Septr. 13th Retd. orders enclosed approving journey as requested. | Washington D.C. Septr. 13th 1869 Requests approval of journey performed by F.S. Palmer from Memphis to Lagrange Tenn. & return, & that the same be forwarded thro' his office. |

| Septr. 15th #76 | District, 1st Military, Genl. E.R.S. Canby. Commd'g Sept. 17th Retd. to Robt. M. Neblett thro' Hdqrs 1st Milty Dist Transportation no longer provided by this Bu. appn. for that purpose having been exhausted. | Richmond Va. Sept. 13th 1869. Forwards comn. of Robt. N. Neblett who states that in 1862 he brought about 200 slaves from Miss. to Va. many of whom returned there & desire their families to rejoin them. Will furnish them with land, mules, &c. if Govt. will furnish transportation for them to his farm in Miss. |

| Sept 18th #77 * | Drew Wm P. Chief of Claim Division File | Washington D.C. Sept 18th 1869 Forwards list of employees in Claim Division. |

| Septr. 24th #78 | Day G.T. Sept 25 EB Vol 5 p 541. | Dover N.H. Sept 21st 1869 Expresses thanks to the Commissioner for his liberal grant to the Stover College at Harpers Ferry  States that they are doing a good work that they have provided for raising a larger sum of money. Asks the Comr. if he can consistently, to make an additional appropriation, for furniture, Books, &c. States that he can communicate thro N C Brackett Treasr. |

| September 25th 1869 #79. | District 5th Military Wm. P. Brambridge 1st Lieut 3rd Cav ADC &c In absence of Comd'g Genl 2 Enclo See D #54. Vol 15 | Austin Texas Sept 14th, 1869 Forwards comn of Lieut Gregory Barrett (requesting testimony taken by Col W.H Sinclair late Inspector &c will be procured, in relation to the attack made upon him at Tyler Texas July 20th 1868 endorsed by Col Sinclair stating the testimony referred to will be found in the records of Bu &c State of Texas) with request that the papers herein referred to or copies of the same may be furnished by the Commissioner at his earliest convenience. |

| Sept 30th #80 | Drew William P. Chief of Claim Division Sept 30th 1869. Returned granted. | Washington D.C. Sept 30th 1869 Forwards approved application of Ed Johnson for 20 days leave of absence from Oct 1st 1869. |

| October 1st #81 | Delaware Association Saml M Harrington Secretary Oct: 3rd Referred to Chief Qr Mr Oct 4th Recd back with Report EB Vol 5 p 553 | Wilmington Del Sept 28th 1869 Forwards the Trust by which the Society propose to convey their school building in Wilmington to the City. Requests that the Commissioner examine deed, & return it with approval or suggestion. |

| Octr. 5th #82 | Dunan S.H. Spcl Agent B& O.R.R. | Washington DC. Oct 4th 1869 Wishes to communicate with a colored man named Ellis Johnson, employed by a woman named Toombs near Port Royal Va. His wife with two children is employed by writer  she has endeavored to induce Johnson to come North, but it is said he cannot get away from his old mistress. Wishes the name of some person at Port Royal with whom he can communicate. Letters have been written to Johnson by his wife but no replys recd. She came here less than a year ago, still supposing herself a slave  Wishes to get Johnson here. Oct 8. Referred to Mr Manly Supt for Va who will if possible investigate this case |