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| Decr. 17. 1870 #112 | Drew Wm. P. Claim Division Decr 17 Retd. with letter of revocation enclosed as requested | Washington D.C. December 17th 1869. Forwards approved resignation of Geo. W. Thompson clerk in his office to date February 1st 1870. |

| Decr. 17. #113 | Drew Wm. P. Chf Claim Division Decr 17 Retd with order enclosed as requested. | Washington D.C. December 17, 1869. Requests an order issued for Capt Knower to proceed from Balto. to Havre De Grace Md on public business. |

| Decr. 18. #114 | Drew. Wm. P. Claim Division. Decr. 18. Retd with appt. enclosed as requested | Washington D.C. December 18. 1869. Requests the appt of J.C. Napier as clerk in his office to date Decr. 16 '69. |

| Decr. 18. #115 | Drew. Wm P. Chief of Claim Division Decr 20 Ref'd to Commr apptd to investigate charges against persons concerned in the payment of bounties &c. | Washington D.C. Decr 18, 1869 Forwards nine coms. with enclosures relating to the case of M. M. Cloon attorney to Pulaski Tenn. |

| Decr. 23. #116 | Davis, Jacob R. L.B. Vol. 6 Jany 29 '70 L.B. Vol. 6 Feby 1st 1870 [[strikethrough]] File [[/strikethrough]] | Washington D.C. December 22, 1869 Requests pay as agent from Dec 26 '65 to May 30 '67 during which time he held appt from Genl Tillson Asst Commr Ga. without pay. From June 1st 67 to April 24 '68 he had an appt from the Commr & drew pay. States that his services in the Bureau exposed him to odium &c Enclosed copies of appointments. Decr 23 Refd to Sladen E.B. Vol. 6 p. 72 Jany 7 1870 EB p. 82 Vol 6 Febry 19 Retd to J.R. Davis Washington D.C. There is no authority for paying his claim E.B. Vol 6. p. 110. |