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| August 6th 1869. #76  |  Holly, Calvin Colored.  File.  |  Shelby Co., Ohio  July 27th 1869  Requests the Commr to recommend him to be President for official position in Vicksburg Miss.  |

|  Augt. 10th  #77  |  Harkinson, R.H.  Augt 11th Referred to J.W. Alvord to know what Association should be addressed on this subject.  Augt. 11th Recd back. E.B. Vol. 5. P493.  |  Augusta Ga.  August 6th 1869.  States that he wrote to the Commr some time since relataive to  forming a colored peoples union.  Also that he has been teaching for 3 or 4 years but that the people are too poor to pay him and asks if he can receive assistance from the School Assn this year.  |

|  Augt. 11th  #78  |  Hall, G.L. Attorney &c  See L.B. Vol 5. Sept 7th '69. 1 encl.   File.  Augt 12th Referred to W.P. Drew for remarks.   |  New Orleans La. August 6th 1869.  Writes relative to fraud practiced by St. Clair Mandeviille (deceased) in paying bounties &c to soldiers and cites case of Jesse Hodd "B" Co. 84th U.S.c.S. as an sample.  Asks if this is no remedy exceopt in Court of Claims.  |

|  AUgt. 12th  #79  |  Huggins Allan P.  Aberdeen Miss.  File  |  Jackson Miss.  August 7th 1869.  States that his cousins have all left Miss. and he now desires to go on with the Agt  school enterprise for the A.M.A. He is in the Internal Revenue service but hass offered his services to  the Assn and thinks that Genl Ames entertains no feeling of bitterness towards him &c.  |