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| September 25th 1869.  #84 | Hope George (colored)  Sept 27h Referred to Col Ben P Runkle |  Barbourville Ky  Sept 18th  1869.  States that they have no school house in that section of the state, and the colored people are unable to build one.  The citizens of the place deprive them of the use of an old Church and they are now compelled to worship in a dilapidated shanty in a brick yard  Earnestly appeals to the Commissioner.  |

| Sept. 20th  #88 | Howard O.O. Maj Genl and Commissioner  File Telegram |  Wilmington Del  Sept 20th 1869.  Directs that carriage be sent to meet 5 P.W. trains |

| Octr. 6th  #89 | Hunter R.F.  Filed  See B.L.B. Oct 7th 1869 | Richmond Va  Oct 5th 1869.  States that he presented [[?]] letter to Genl Camby, and made statement of his assignment to duty in the Bureau, but the Genl said that every place was filled.  The Rev Mr Manly Supt of Ed. Va. can find work for him but feels a delicacy in regard to it, as his appointment has been revoked.  Asks to be reappointed |

| Oct 7th  #90 | Howard O.O.  Bvt Maj Genl U.S.A. See A#241 Vol 15  Oct 7th Forwarded to Secty of War Recommended | Washington D.C.  Oct 7th 1869  Forwards to Hon Secy of War recommended  Request of Bt Maj D.G. Swaisse U.S.A. that so much of G.O. 59 Hd Qrs A. of Juy 14th 1869 as transfers him to 10th Cav. be revoked.  |

| October 9th 1869.  #91 | Hunter W.T.  Filed | Richmond Va  Oct 7th 1869.  Returns thanks for the revocation of this appt Returns the order of revocation as directed. |

| Octr 18th  #92 | Hoer J.  Enclosed with C#96.  See V. 397 Vol 11 '69.  File | Parkersburg Va.  Oct 9th 1869.  States that he has the girl Charlotte Brooks about whom inquiries were made about one year ago.  She is quite lame and no one will take care of her.  He will keep her till she is removed |

| Oct 19th  #93 | Hoag J. Murray  Bvt Capt. U.S.A.  Telegram  1 enclosure See L.B. vol 5 Oct 19,  1869  and S.O. 162 part 4  File | Savannah Ga.  Oct 19th 1869.  Requests to be ordered to Washington as he has business to transact. |

| Nov. 6th  #94 | Howard D.H.  Special Agent &c.  File | Chicago Ill.  November 2nd 1869. Requests that the transfer of government school buildings in Arkansas be suspended for the present. |

| Nov 8th  #95 | Howard C.H.  Special Agent &c  P.L.R. Vol 6  Novr 10 '69  File | Chicago Ill November 5th 1869.  Asks if when he has occasion to request Maj J.W. Stevenson to visit different points in Texas on Education business, he can count on his journey being approved, as he is his only representatives in that State.  Also asks if the order previously given to Maj Clarke to visit Indian Territory and return thro Arkansas and Miss. will answer or will it be necessity to have another? |