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| Dec 15 1869. #162 | Kentucky. Runkle, Ben P. Supt. Edn. Decr. 16. Refd to C.Q.M. for ex'n Decr. 18. Recd back. E.B. vol 6. p. 67. | Louisville Ky. December 11, 1869. Forwards for appl. of the Commr. contract made by direction of Gen. Burbank, late Asst Commr of Ky. for building school house at Paducah Ky. |

| Decr. 20 #163 * | Keyes, Chas. W. Bt. Capt. U.S.A. File. | Louisville Ky. December 17, 1869. Applies for the position of Aide-de-Camp, made vacant by promotion of Major Swaim. |

| Decr. 20 #164 | Knower E.C. Bt. Capt. U.S.A., D.O. Decr. 21. Refd. to Col. Beman for investigation & report. | Baltimore Md. December 18, 1869. Requests an investigation of the facts connected with the disappearance of Geo. C. Smith, Sergt. Co. G. 78th U.S.C.T., who in March '66 was sick at New Orleans La., &c. &c. |

| Decr. 20. #165 | Kentucky. Ben P. Runkle. Supt. Edn. Decr. 21. Retd. with copies enclosed as requested. | Louisville Ky. Decr. 16, 1869. Requess copies of the Constitution & By Laws of the Temperance Society organized under directions of the Commr. |

| Decr 31st #166 | Kentucky Ben. P. Runkle Bvt Col. USA & Supt of Edn. 3 Enclosures Jany 4, 1870 Referred to C.D.O. | Louisville Ky Decr 28th 1869 Transmits bill of Louisville Democrat done by order of Genl Ely under the administration of Genl Fiske, and that he does not know any way to pay those a/cs. has been informed that they have been rejected by the War Dept but has no certain knowledge of it. Recommends that it be paid. Amt. 62$ |

| December 31st 1869 #167. | Kentucky Bt Col Ben P. Runkle Supt of Edn. Jany 4th 1870 Returned to Col Runkle unfavorably considered. | Louisville Ky Decr 28th 1869 Requests authority to transfer Hd Qrs of the Bureau from Louisville to Covington Ky. States that the [[?]] part of the business is done by correspondence & can be done as well from Covington as Louisville. Thinks he can obtain teachers from Cin: Ohio. States the only cost will be freight on office furniture from Louisville to Covington. |

| Decr 31st #168 | Kentucky Bt Col Ben. P. Runkle Supt of Edn Jany 4 1870 Returned to Col Runkle orders enclosed making the appropriation as requested March 29, 70. E.B. vol 6. p. 146. | Louisville Ky Decr 28th 1869 Recommends an appropriation of Two hundred (200) Dollars to repair school house at Bowling Green. gives description of the lot &c &c. |