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| Augt 23d 1869. #117. | Louisiana Mason E.H. Supt of Ed. Aug 24. Respectfully returned to E.M. Mason with same endorsement as on L #116. Vol 15 69. See EB Vol 5 P 502 | New Orleans La Augst 2d 1869. Forwards application of W G. Kennedy for aid in erecting a School house upon land donated by him, and recommends an appropriation of $300 be authorized for that purpose. |

| Aug 23d 1869 #118 | Louisiana Macon E.H. Supt of Ed. Aug 24. Returned EB Vol 5 P. 502 | New Orleans La. Aug 2d 1869 Forwards recommended application of O H Brewster and Cyrus Brier for material to the value of $500 to aid in the const. of school house at Cotton Port. |

| Augt 23d 1869 #119 | Louisiana Mason E.W. Supt of Ed. Aug 24. Returned E.B. Vol 5 P. 502 | New Orleans La Augt 2d 1869. Forwards application of Frank Monroe et. al. for material to erect a school house at Monroe La. with the following information. On the 1st of June 1869 an application from the Baptist Church at Monroe was approved for $300 by the Commissioner. In July a request was recd from the Methodists for $500 for repairs  States he visited the place July 30 and found if aid was given the Baptists & Methodists & other denominations would apply, and after consulting with leading persons of the place both white & colored, recommends that an appropriation of $1000 be made to erect a Union School house. if the application is granted the lumber will be purchased at Monroe thereby saving transportation |

| Augt. 26th 1869 #120 * | Lewis, David W. See L.B. Vol 5 Augt. 27 '69. File. | Macon Ga. August 1869. On behalf of State Agl. Society of Ga. extends invitation to the Commr. to attend their annual meeting & fair in Novr. next. |

| Septr. 2nd #121 | Louisiana E.W. Mason, Supt. Education. Septr. 2nd Retd. Approved. Proper vouchers will be made out & forwarded to this office. | New Orleans La. May 28th 1869. Recommends an appn. of $500. for repairs on school house at Jackson, East Feliciana Parish La. |

| Sept 9th #122 | Leary Arthur 1 Enclo Sept 10th Referred to H.M. Wh. [[strikethrough]] Chief Qr Mr [[/strikethrough]] | New York Septr. 8th 1869. Forwards U.S. Order for passage from New York to Charleston for one man amt'g to $15.00 & requests payment. |

| Sept 16th #123 | Lane Anthony Asst Cashier 4th Nat Bank of New York City See P.L.B. Vol 6 Sept. 17 '69 Sept. 17th Referred to Mrs. J.S. Griffing. No. 394 North Capitol Street. | New York Septr. 15th 1869. Desires a Colored Woman to do general house work for his Daughter who resides at Vineland New Jersey. Asks requirements &c. |

| Septr 21th #134 | Lacy R.S. Sept 21. Returned. EB 536. Vol 5 | Washington D.C. Sept 21st 1869 Requests that an endorsement relative to the result of the investigation of certain charges made against him by J T Wilcox be put upon this letter. |