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| September 24th 1869 #125. * | Louisiana Mason E W. Supt of Education Sept 24th Referred to C.D.O. with copy of authority enclosed. Recd. back & filed Feby 9th WGP | New Orleans La Sept 20th 1869. Forwards report of Persons and Articles hired for month of Augt 1869 also vouchers in favor of Emile Roy watchman for Straight University". States that the authority for employing Roy was loaned to the Trustees who have mislaid it & requests that it be appended at Hd Qrs. |

| Septr. 24th #126. | Louisiana Mason E.W. Supt of Education Sept 24th Referred to C.Q.M. for examination Recd back see EB vol 5 p 549 | New Orleans La Sept 20th 1869 Forwards for approval contract with Mr John Page for erection of Straight University" also transfer of J H Healy Agent A.M.A. |

| Septr. 25th #127. | Louisiana E W Mason Supt of Education Sept 27 Returned approved, proper vouchers will be made out & forwarded to this office. | New Orleans La. Septr. 21st 1869. Forwards communication of W.G. Wiley who has donated half a square of land in Floyd Carroll Par. La. to colored people for school and church purposes. Supt of Ed for La. recommends that the request for $500 to purchase building material be granted that he is acquainted with Mr. Wiley he is a Judge of the Supr. Court & perfectly reliable. |

| Septr. 27th #128 * | Logan S C Ex Secty Commn: on Freedmen File See L.B. Sept 29 1869 File Oct 5th 128 & 134 Referred to Dr H.C. Vogell | Scranton Pa Sept 23rd 1869 States that the Commn. on Freedmen desire to establish a Seminary for girls at Concord N.C. That an opportunity is offered of purchasing a suitable building and requests and apptn. of $1200 for that purpose. |

| Sept 29" 1869 #129 | Louisiana E.W Mason. Supt of Education Sept 30th Returned Approved | new Orleans Sept 25" 1869. Forwards application of T.W. Baird et al. stating that there is a large number of children are deprived of school privileges; that they have secured a quantity of land, which is to be deeded for perpetual school & religious purposes and asks for an appropriation of $500. to aid in building the house. With recommendation that the request be granted. &c | 

| Septr 29th #130 * | Loomes S. Missionary &c Filed See L.B. Vol 5 Oct 9, 69 Sept 30th Referred to Maj E.L. Deane. | Chester So Ca Sept 27th 1869 States that the Presbyterian Com. U.S. have made an appropriation of $500 for church and school at Rockville So. Ca. Understands that an application has been made to the Bureau for assistance to establish a school at Rockville, and wishes to have the Bureau appropriation combined with the Committee appropriation for one school. | 

| October 1st #131 | Louisiana E.W. Mason Supt of Education Oct. 2nd Returned Approved for $500 | New Orleans La Sept 27th 1869 Encloses application of Rev Madison Allen for aid in material for church & school house at Carrollton La. Also letter of Rev Wm Winston of Jefferson City, cancelling his application for aid & recommending that this amount be given Mr Allens Church. States that the places are only one mile apart and will accommodate both congregations. Recommends that an appropriation of $500. be made in material. |