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| September 7th 1869 #117 * | Mississippi F W Stringer Asst Supt of Ed 2 Encl Sept 7th Referred to Chief DO. Rec'd. back & filed Feby 9 75 WGP | Vicksburg Miss Sept 1, 1869 Transmits duplicate vouchers for services as Asst Supt Education for month of August 1869 |

| Sept 7th #118 * | Mississippi Pease H.R. Supt of Education 4 Enclosures Sept 7th Referred to Chief D.O. Rec'd back & filed Feby 9 75 WGP | Vicksburg Miss Sept 1, 1869 Forwards pay vouchers for self & clerk for month of August 1869. |

| Septr. 10th #119 * | McCleery James Capt USA & Supt of Ed. 1 Encl File | Shreveport La Sept 1st 1869 Forwards list of Civilian Employees in his District in month of Sept 1869. |

| Sept 10th #120 | Missouri Seely F A Disb'g Officer &c. Sept 11th Referred to Chief M.O. Sept. 14th Recd back E.B. Vol 5 p 524 | St Louis Mo Sept 8, 1869 States that major S N Clark informs him there is some code or decision under which retained officers are entitled to medical attendance, & wishes to be informed if such is the case. |

| Sept 11th #121. * | McCleery James Capt & Supt of Ed. 1 Encl Sept 13, Referred to Genl Supt of Ed for remarks. Sept. 16th Recd back. E.B. vol. 5. p. 529. Rec'd back & filed Feby 9 75 WGP | Shreveport La Augt 31, 1869 Forwards list of Teachers (21 in number) to whom he recommends that the amt set opposite their respective names be paid them as rental  States that they have kept up their schools during the month & some of them with great difficulty. |

| September 11th 1869 #122 * | McKenzie L. See PLB. Sept. 14 '69. 3 Encl. Offl. copies transmitted to Yardley Warner, Germantown Pa. File | Alexandria Va Sept 10th 1869. Encloses for information of the Commissioner descriptions of Tracts of land for sale in Va. suitable for homesteads for freedmen. |

| Sept 11th #123. | Mens Geo O. Sergt H. Co 41st USCT. Sept 11 Referred to Wm P Drew Chief of Claim Div | Fort Quitman Texas Aug 23rd 1869. Requests information relative to his bounty papers forwarded about two (2) months since |

| Sept 13th #124 | McCleery James Capt and Supt of Education Septr. 14th Referred to C.D.O. for remarks. Septr. 16th Recd. back. E.B. vol. 5. p. 526. | Shreveport La. Septr. 4th 1869. Recommends the appointment of Wm Crawford as messenger at a salary of $19 per mo. from July 15th 1869. States that it is necessary for some one to take care of the office and guard the public property during his absence. |

| Septr. 14th #125 | McKenzie, Lewis. Sept 16th Returned official copies of the papers have been forwarded Mr Yardley Warner for his information | Alexandria Va Septr. 13th 1869. Encloses plat of land for sale on Leesburg Pike, 6 miles from [[?]] & requests its return. Will inform the comm. when it comes to look at land. |

| Sept. 17th #126 * | McLennan Wm. F. Clerk, Record Division. File | Washington D.C. Septr. 17th 1869. Requests 30 days leave of absence from 20th inst., the condition of his health rendering it necessary. |