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| November 3rd 1869. #165 * | Miller, A.F. sent Novr. 3 69 File | Belleville Ill. October 29th 1869. Ack. receipt of Annual Report for 67 & 68, & requests copies of same from the commencement of Bu. |

| Nov. 29. #166 | Monroe, Henry A. Teacher Novr. 30 Refd. to Maj. Swaim. | Jamestown Md. Novr. 25th 1869. States that a small school house is much needed in that place, and that if the Bu. will furnish the lumber sufficient money can be raised to build one. |

| Decr. 1st #167 | Missouri. F.A. Seely. D.O. L.B. vol 6. Decr. 1 '69 Decr. 1st Retd. with letter of revocation enclosed as requested. | St. Louis Mo. November 26th 1869. Forwards resignation of A.L. Aubin, Agent B.R.F. & A.L. |

| Decr 3. #168 | Missouri. F.A. Seely. D.O. Decr. 7. Retd. E.B. Vol 6. p. 48. | St Louis Mo. November 30th 1869. Asks infn. as to what sort of a man O.S. Baker is, what church he belongs to, &c. Also if it will do to make contract with builder of Cairo school "to complete school house, &c." or should a separate contract be made for the furniture. |

| Decr. 6th #169 | Mississippi. H.R. Pease. Supt. Education. Decr. 7. Refd. to J.W. Alvord | Vicksburg, Miss. December 2nd, 1869. Forwards schedule of schools and Rental a/cs of United Pres. Bd. Miss. for quarter ending Septr. 30 '69. |

| Decr. 8. #170 * | Missouri. F.A. Seely. D.O. File | St Louis Mo. December 4th 1869. Requests a copy of Commrs. report |

| Decr. 8, 1869. #171 * | Mississippi. H.R. Pease, Supt. Education Decr. 8th Refd. to C.D.O. Rec'd back & filed Feby 9 75 WGP | Vicksburg, Miss. December 4th 1869. Forwards vouchers for services of himself & accts. for Novr. '69. |

| Decr. 8. #172 | Mann, J.C. Office Probate Judge Decr. 9. Refd. to C.D.O. | Wilmington N.C. December 4th 1869. States that in 1865, while he was an officer of the Bu. had erected a hospital out of "captured lumber", the glass, hardware &c was furnished by Jno. Dawson at a cost of $45. & requests that the a/c be referred to C.D.O. for payment. |

| Decr. 10. #173 | McMullen, J.C. Agent &c. Decr. 11. Refd. to Chf. Med. officer. E.B. vol 6. p. 55. Decr. 14. Retd. E.B. vol 6. p. 58. | Clarksville, Tenn. December 6th 1869. Desires to be informed who the Bu. Agent at Louisville is; and also if Dr. Joseph Griffing was officially connected with the Bu. in 1866. |

| Decr. 13. #174 | Mississippi. H.R. Pease. Supt. Education. Decr. 15. Retd. E.B. vol 6. p. 59. | Vicksburg, Miss. December 8th 1869. Recommends the appt. of Horatio N. Rankin as Asst. Supt. Edn. vice Rev. T.W. Stringer elected State Senator. |

| Decr. 14. #175 | Mississippi. H.R. Pease. Supt. Edn. Decr. 15. Retd. approved. | Vicksburg Miss. December 7th 1869. Requests authority to expend $173. in repairing school building at Vicksburg Miss. |

| Decr. 14. #176 | Mississippi. H.R. Pease Supt. Edn. Decr 15. Refd. to C.Q.M. | Vicksburg, Decr. 7. 1869. Requests authority to purchase fuel for his office. |