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| August 7th 1869 #100 | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell. Supt. Education. Augt. 7th Referred to C.Q.M. | Raleigh N.C. August 5th 1869 Forwards requisition for stationery for office of Asst. Supt. Edn. at Wilmington. |

| Augt. 7th #101 | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell. Supt. Education. 1 Enclo Augt. 9th Retd. approved. Proper vouchers will be made out & forwarded to this office | Raleigh N.C. August 5th 1869. Forwards commn. of Wm. H. Bryan who states that the colored people of Haywood are ready to commence building their school house if the Bu. will give $200 promised; with remark that the cold. people of Haywood have sustained a good school for nearly two years &c. & recommends that the appn. be granted. |

| Augt. 7th #102 | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell Supt. Education. 1 Enclo. Augt. 9th Retd. approved for $350. The Supt of Ed. should take such precautions as will prevent the former Contractor from bringing in a claim for the completion of the Contract. | Raleigh N.C. August 5th 1869. Forwards commn. of Ben Wall, who states that the building authorized to be erected at Forestville Wake Co. in '67 has never been completed & asks aid for its completion; with the remark that Wall has given his entire earnings for two or more years to sustain this school, & purchased the ground & deeded it to Trustees for school purposes, &c. Recommends that $350. be apptd. for the completion of the building. |

| Augt 9th #103 * | North Carolina. L.E. Rice Asst. Supt. Education. File | Wilmington N.C. August 5th 1869. Gives statement of difficulties existing between Dr. Vogell and himself. |

| August 12th 1869. #104 * | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell Supt. Education Telegram File | Raleigh N.C. August 11th 1869. Will be there if possible. |

| Augt. 13th #105 | Vogell, H.C. Supt. Education. 1 Enclo Augt. 186h Retd. approved. Proper vouchers will be made out & forwarded to this office. | Raleigh N.C. August 11th 1869. Encloses petition for aid in erecting school building at Charlotte & recommends that $1000. be appropriated for the purpose. States that they have very liberally raised $1,150 & is satisfied that the statement set forth in this petition is correct. |

| Augt. 16th #106 | North Carolina. H.C. Vogell. Supt. Education. 4 Enclo. Augt 17th Referred to J.W.A. for report whether this school is borne upon Rental a/cs of both A.M.A. & Freed Aid Soc. of Cincinnati, and also as to whether it appears by school reports in his office that Mrs Hanly continued her school from Jany 1st to June 30th 1869. Aug 20" Rec'd back see EB Vol 5 page 499. Returned to Rev E.P. Smith Disapproved See EB Vol 5 P. 500. | Raleigh N.C. August 13th 1869. Encloses schedule & Rental a/c of A.M.A. for school in Washington N.C. & states in reference to Mrs. Hanley that she was paid $18. per mo. up to the time she stopped teaching, Jany. 1st '69, & also received $10. per mo. from Peabody Fund. |

| Augt. 19th #107 | Newman. A.M. Augt. 19th Referred to Supt. Ed. for Va. | Farmhouse X Roads, Richmond Co. Va. August 14th 1869. States that he has established a school at that place under the auspices of Am. Bap. Home Mission Society, & that the freedmen in that vicinity have purchased a lot for school purposes, and desire aid to the amt. of $500 to erect a suitable building &c |