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| October 11th 1869 #70 | Round Geo C Oct 14. Referred to Mr Manly Supt of Ed for Va | Manassas Va Oct 9th 1869. Requests aid in fitting up a School house at Manassas Va. An apptn. of $50 or $100 would be sufficient. If the aid is given the teacher the people will furnish the house. Refers to Hon. J C Underwood Va G W Hutchins NC & Genl A J Meyer Wash D.C. |

| Oct 9th #71 * | Reyburn Robert Chief Medical Officer File | Washington Forwards Tri-monthly report of Employees &c from Oct 10th to 20th 1869 |

| Oct 20th #72 * | Reyburn Robert Chief Medical Officer File | Washington Forwards Tri-monthly report of Employees &c from Oct 20th to 31st 1869 |

| Oct 20th #73 | Round Geo C Atty at Law Novr. 2nd Returned. EB Vol 6 p 9. | Manassas Va Oct 29th 1869 States that at that place several colored children were bound out by the Bureau while it existed in that state, several of whom he is now trying to have released on account of improper treatment and requests answers to the following. Does the Bureau now claim jurisdiction over such contracts. Have such contracts any force now that the Bureau has been withdrawn from the state? If said contracts are still binding are they to be enforced by the Courts? Requests also copy of Act and amendments thereto, Establishing the Bureau. |

| Nov. 3rd 1869. #74 | Reyburn, Robert Chief Medical Officer File | Washington D.C. Forwards Monthly Report of rations &c. issued to destitute freedmen during month of October 1869. |

| Nov. 5th #75 * | Robert, C.R. Novr. 9th Referred to Genl. Supt. Education. Rec'd. back & filed Feby 9, 75 WGP | New York November 4th 1869. Encloses statement of Rent of school building on Lookout Mtn. from 1st Augt. to 1st Novr. '69, amt'g to $1,230., and asks that it be remitted as early as practicable |

| October 30th #76 * | Reyburn Robt. Chief Medical Officer. File | Washington D.C. November 1st 1869 Forwards tri-monthly return of Employees & dependents from Nov 1 to 10 '69. |

| Novr 8th #77 * | Reed, Harrison Governor of Florida. L.B. vol. 6. Novr. 9 '69. File | Tallahassee Fla. October 28th 1869. Requests the Commr. to authorize the Supt. Edn. Fla. to appropriated $3000. of the Peabody Fund in the purchase of books for schools in Fla. |

| Novr. 10th #78 | Rawson, T.H. Novr. 11th Refd. to Maj. D.G. Swaim | Washington D.C. November 8th 1869. Asks for the address of Maj. D.G. Swaim Supt. Education. |

| Novr. 11th #79 | Rensell, James Novr. 11th Refd to Genl. Supt. Edn | New Market Md. November 10th 1869. Says that he commenced the colored school at that place with 10 pupils, so that the prospects are favorable for a good school. |